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April 3, 2023
Taking values off the wall
the three Ps

As an outsourced HR Director for a diverse range of incredible businesses, I believe the most value I bring to my clients is when I help them put into place the practices that create lived values, where values are experienced beyond the pretty picture on the wall. It stands to reason that as a Human Resources consultancy I have my own set of clearly articulated and lived values. Here they are for your reading pleasure.

‘Perhaps the window by which I view the world is flawed.’

This is a quote that whenever I share it, like in this interview, has people nodding thoughtfully. It speaks to values, and how we view the world. Values, after all, are the lens through which we live, work and play, they set our true north, so to speak, but it’s astounding how few people across organisations can confidently list their company’s values, let alone have faith that they are lived.

Aligning values to practices is a huge part of my work, as values are intrinsically linked to vision. They determine the why to the how and what of bringing a vision to life. They need an individual approach to be effective. When done well, values are empowering. They’re critical to growing a business and building a thriving culture that attracts and retains the right talent.

I wouldn’t feel right walking into an organisation to bang on about values if I didn’t have my own. Mine were developed via this exercise and then translated into a set of business values to give my clients reassurance that I’m the right people person for them. You ready?

Courage: We resiliently face challenges, which means we stick around when things get tough. We take informed risks in pursuit of excellence and ask the easy and uncomfortable questions.

What this means to me is having courageous conversations. I’m out there being vulnerable every day. I’m honest, transparent and open with my clients. I confront conflict and I take things head on.

Growth: We’ve grown by learning from our triumphs and mistakes. We use our proven knowledge, skill and experience to equip you to build, expand and improve.

This is pure joy for me. I’ve always loved helping people, watching them grow in their career, to have the courage to have a crack and achieve their dreams.

Integrity: Honesty, fairness, sincerity and equity matter. We’re trustworthy across the board and uphold care, concern and consideration for you and your people.

I bring this to life by speaking up immediately to say I’m uncomfortable when I see a conflict between values and integrity. Integrity is core to my values and beliefs.

Creativity: The generation of new ideas is a catalyst for advancement. We stay curious so that you can stay innovative.

This one is turned into lived experience here at Kath Harris HQ by almost a constant stream of brainstorming sessions and coming up with ideas. I have a passion for doing things differently – not just for the sake of it but because anything is possible.

My values guide my practice – they help me select clients as well as establish relationships. They’re a way to show clients who I am, what I stand for and how I operate, which means both they and I are finding like-minded people to work with. Basically, they attract the people I want to work with: Founders and CEOs that love their people, want the best for them, see them as their most important asset and as such are willing to invest in them.

Oh and that quote, ‘perhaps the window by which I view the world is flawed.’ You know who said that? No, not Brene, Simon or even Oprah. It was Thunk. From The Croods, my kids’ favourite movie.

My values are ingrained into completely everything as they shape the way I operate. So too my clients. The lens which we look through shouldn’t happen by accident but by intent, which is why clearly articulated and lived values are critical to a thriving business.

Want to know more?

Let’s have a conversation about how I can help you bring your values off the wall.

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